Monday, February 12, 2007

WE are LID!!!!!

I just got the email a few minutes ago!!! Here it is....

To: Hilario Fernandez & Christine de Zayas-Fernandez

Re: CCAI Log-In Date & Packet

Congratulations!  Your dossier has been logged in by the China Center of Adoption Affairs. 

Your official dossier log-in date (LID) is: 2/10/2007

This is the notice that can only be surpassed by the one that states that we have been matched with a baby! LID stands for Log In Date. This means that the CCAA has officially logged us into their office. Remember that our documents were sent to China on 1/22/07. Pretty efficient, don't you think? I love the Chinese! The great thing about China is that they don't play favorites with particular agencies or families. Everything goes by your LID. Right now, they have matched babies with families that have been LID up to 10/13/05. Yes, that was 2005... not a typo! So you can see, this is going to be a LONG wait. Currently, I think the wait is 18 months. I am hoping and praying that this will all change with the new restrictions going in place as of May 1st. But at the same time I know that this is all part of HIS plan and will go so accordingly. The frustrating part is that it isn't like there aren't enough babies. It is just that there are so many orphanges in China that are not open to international adoption. I wonder why?

Today is a fabulous day! It marks the beginning. August 2008? Beijing Summer Olympics?

1 comment:

Danny&Nina said...

That's wonderful, Christy--congratulations to you, Lalo, and the girls!

However, it does beg the question: if you're in China for the Olympics, which country do you root for?

Danny & Nina

PS - The answer is Switzerland because they're neutral.