Thursday, February 1, 2007

Can't I just dig a hole to China? It would be a lot faster!

Every family that goes through the adoption process puts together a "dossier" that is sent to China and it's govermental agency(CCAA) that reviews the packet and actually matches you with a child. The dossier consists of a homestudy (4 social worker visits and the write-up), FBI clearances, State child abuse clearances, local police clearances, marriage and birth certificates, references, employment verications, HIV and Hepatitis clearances, doctor's visits and lab results, an adoption petition, pictures of the family and friends, etc. It is actually a very daunting process. Everything then has to be notarized, sent to the Secretary of State for certification, and finally to the Chinese Consulate office for authentication. This all takes a long time! We finished it all pretty quickly...It took us 4 complete months. Then the packet is sent to our agency (CCAI not to be confused with China's govermental agency CCAA) where it goes through review and is translated into Chinese. Finally, it is sent to China. Our DTC (documents to China) date was 1/22/07. The next important and critical date will be our Log In Date (LID). Once we have that date , we can guesstimate when we will be traveling. It will be anywhere from 15-18 months from that date. We should be getting our log in date (LID) anytime now. I think it will be before the end of February. Hopefully, with the new restricitions and criteria for adopting from China, this will speed up a bit. Otherwise, we may very well be in China for the 2008 Olympics. We will not be matched with a child until 5-8 weeks before we travel to China. So, it is probably safe to say that she has not be born yet. She will most likely be from southern China where it is more rural. There they can have two children or one boy. When the first daughter is born, they keep them, but if a second daughter is born she is usually abandoned in hopes of having another pregnancy that will result in a boy.


Mom and Dad said...

Step by step you and all of us are on our journey to China to welcome the newest member of our family; for us, grandchild #3. God bless you for your loving hearts.

With love,
Mom and Dad

Danny&Nina said...

Silly Chinese for thinking boys are better. To quote Annie and Natalie "Girls Rule, boys drool!" :P


Barbara said...

Christy and Lalo,
I am so happy that your journey has gotten of to such a great start. I am so touched by the love that you both have and want to share with another child. Natalie and Annie are both great girls so I am sure that your new baby will be also. You both set great examples.
As for a name, how about adding Lin to Mie= Mie-lin and now her name means beautiful flower. As for a first name I believe that every child should definitely have there own name.